December 2011
KWONTUM-LEAP/Linda Clark BRAG: Katai N Sullo’s Kazuki at Kwontum-Leap “Kazu” stepped his little paws for the first time in the ring at Syracuse /CNY show on Saturday, November 19, at 6 months and one day - taking BOB his first time out over mature and pointed dogs, under Judge Norman Patton.
November 2011
KWONTUM-LEAP is proud to announce a new Champion!! “FUJI,” (Shiba Inu) now known as AKC Ch. Kwontum-Leap’s Fast Forward Fuji completed his Championship on Saturday, September 3 at the Tonawanda Valley Kennel Club going WD and BOW, under Judge Margorie Underwood!!! Fuji obtained his Majors early on in his career and just needed that last single!! Fuji’s sire, Yazzle imported from the Netherlands is now the proud sire of two Champions out of a four puppy litter with one pup going to companion home. Congratulations, FUJI!!!
Linda Clark/KWONTUM-LEAP!!
October 2011
I have a brag for Devin and a compliment for the OKA junior program. I got my American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel quarterly magazine and it lists the top 28 junior cavalier handlers and Devin is number 18. He was thrilled to be on the list. He will be showing in the November show and is hoping to climb higher on the list.
Devin and I would like to thank everyone for their congratulations and all the great positive support. Preston loves Devin so much, he just loves to please him, he actually works better for Devin than for me.
September 2011
Garry and Peg Lewis had some wonderful Pyr wins at Balston Spa but Garry's “other” dog did well the past couple weekends, too. Smooth collie Arrow, owned/bred by me, Candy and Bree Ardizzone, and Garry, had a group 4th and group 1st in Michigan the prior weekend, and a Group 1st and 2 Group 3rds in Wisconsin this last weekend. (Arrow is Silver GCH Travler’s Pierce Arrow.)
Becky Tehon
I have attached a picture of our First Bred By Tri-M’S V Sweet Pea Po A Rising Son in his first show at Balston Spa winning his first 4 point major at just six months We are so very proud and excited!!! Our Songlo’s Just a Little Jigger of Fun bed by Ann & Thomas Sunday took a 4-point major and a 3-point major in Ballston Spa. All his wins are in Memory of Ann Sunday She is looking down on him!! rest in peace We had a great 5 days at Ballson Spa, lots of fun with friends and nice wins to go along with it also.
Terry Lindsey
July 2011
Becky Tehon Bronze GCH Travler’s Pierce Arrow ended April as the #1 smooth collie, Allbreed system. He also started June with a bang, winning a Group 2nd, two Group 3rds, and a Group 4th at the Biloxi, LA cluster. He was handled by Laurie Jeff Greer. Closer to home, his younger brother and sister, Driver and Tina, have finished their championships, at 10 months of age. That means Arrow's mom, Ch. Travler’s Liberty Sport CGC, is now the dam of 10 champions
June 2011
Becky Tehon Bronze GCH Travler’s Pierce Arrow ended April as the #1 smooth collie, Allbreed system. He also started June with a bang, winning a Group 2nd, two Group 3rds, and a Group 4th at the Biloxi, LA cluster. He was handled by Laurie Jeff Greer. Closer to home, his younger brother and sister, Driver and Tina, have finished their championships, at 10 months of age. That means Arrow’s mom, Ch. Travler’s Liberty Sport CGC, is now the dam of 10 champions.

We had a little win at Alexander on Saturday with Sunglos Little Jigger of Fun he won BOB being shown by my good friend Michelle Stevens. What a mud bowl!! The mud sucked your shoes off your feet lol
Terry Lindsey
©2023 Onondaga Kennel Association
PO Box 2174
Syracuse, New York 13220